Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Plant holder

My mother-in-law brought a lot of lawn ornaments with her when she moved in. One of the things is a little trike that is a plant holder. I decided to pant it and use it since she wasn’t. It used to be purple and I painted it Yellow and put some flowers in it and put it on my back patio. Almost every day since, she has said to me. "I really like your little trike. It is really cute." I just smile and say thank you.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cooking with help

Sometimes my mother-in-law starts dinner and I have to help her finish it. This can be a real experience. She likes to clean up and do the dishes as we cook. It is kind of like playing hide and seek. If you set your stirring spoon down for one second it disappears into the sink and is clean before you know it. IF you get a bowl out to put something in is disappears also. Sometimes it is my husband’s turn to help her and I will hear him say, “Quit taking my spoon.”

Blue dish soap!

For some reason, my-mother-in-law likes to use a lot of dish soap. I don’t know if she forgets that she put it in the water and adds more or what, but she seems to do better with blue dish soap. One time she went through a 32 oz bottle in three days. Last night we were out of dish soap so I loaded the dishwasher as I cooked dinner, because sometimes she has been known to pull anything out from under the sick and wash the dishes with it. I think she has been using my tile cleaner lately. My mother-in-law was still eating so I started the dishwasher and went into the other room. When I came back she had washed her plate (with who knows what, because I hid my tile cleaner) and put it in the dish drainer. My husband came home and ate dinner. I went to get the plate my mother-in-law had washed earlier, so I could put it back in the sink to be washed. It was gone; my husband had used it to eat his dinner on. As far as I know he is still feeling ok.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The other day I was at the craft store and they had their fall flowers on clearance for 80% off, so I purchased an armful, knowing that my mother-in-law loves to do flower arrangements. I took them home and gave them to her and she was so excited that couldn’t even eat dinner. She started working with them right away. About twenty years ago my mother-in-law gave me this cute little wicker plant stand. I finally decided that I didn’t want to use it anymore, so I put it down stairs in our storage room. Yesterday she takes me down stairs to show me what she had been making for me. There in the center of the room was my old plant stand full of the flowers I had purchased. She asked me if I liked the plant stand. She said that she had had it for a long time, and she couldn’t remember where she had gotten it. So of course I tell her I love it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The cat again!

Last night my mother-in-law and I where reading the news paper after dinner and she says to me. My cat is missing. He must have gotten outside. He hasn't been around for days and he hasn't eaten his food. I say, "the doors have not been open so I don't know how he could have gotten out." She said, "I don't know either but he is gone." She wasn't very upset about it so I went downstairs and there is the cat sitting on my father-in-laws lap. I went back up stairs and told her that the cat was down stairs. She just laughed and said, "OH".

Enchelada corndogs?

Last night after dinner I just happened to head out to the garage for something. As I went through the laundry room something caught my eye. I looked over and saw something on the dryer. I walked over and there was a box of corndogs, a bag of enchelada's, and a snack sized kit kat, luckily still frozen lying there. I am not sure who put them there or what she was going to do with this odd combination. I put them back in the freezer, or tonight we could be having enchelada corndogs for dinner.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taco Spaghetti

Last night I got home from work and my mother-in-law was cooking spaghetti for dinner. She had cooked some hamburger and added the Ragu and had pasta cooking on the stove. She was hunting for a packed of spaghetti seasoning in the drawer. I told her we did have any. I should have told her that we didn't need any because the Ragu already has the seasoning in it, my father-in-law has been trying to get it through her head that it already does too, but she won't listen. So we set down to eat and it tastes funny so I ask her what she did to it and she shows me a packet of taco seasoning. We had a new creation, "Taco Spaghetti for dinner" I don't recomend it but my husband said it wasn't that bad. Maybe we should have put it in a taco shell.