Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blue dish soap!

For some reason, my-mother-in-law likes to use a lot of dish soap. I don’t know if she forgets that she put it in the water and adds more or what, but she seems to do better with blue dish soap. One time she went through a 32 oz bottle in three days. Last night we were out of dish soap so I loaded the dishwasher as I cooked dinner, because sometimes she has been known to pull anything out from under the sick and wash the dishes with it. I think she has been using my tile cleaner lately. My mother-in-law was still eating so I started the dishwasher and went into the other room. When I came back she had washed her plate (with who knows what, because I hid my tile cleaner) and put it in the dish drainer. My husband came home and ate dinner. I went to get the plate my mother-in-law had washed earlier, so I could put it back in the sink to be washed. It was gone; my husband had used it to eat his dinner on. As far as I know he is still feeling ok.

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