Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taco Spaghetti

Last night I got home from work and my mother-in-law was cooking spaghetti for dinner. She had cooked some hamburger and added the Ragu and had pasta cooking on the stove. She was hunting for a packed of spaghetti seasoning in the drawer. I told her we did have any. I should have told her that we didn't need any because the Ragu already has the seasoning in it, my father-in-law has been trying to get it through her head that it already does too, but she won't listen. So we set down to eat and it tastes funny so I ask her what she did to it and she shows me a packet of taco seasoning. We had a new creation, "Taco Spaghetti for dinner" I don't recomend it but my husband said it wasn't that bad. Maybe we should have put it in a taco shell.

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