Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taco Spaghetti

Last night I got home from work and my mother-in-law was cooking spaghetti for dinner. She had cooked some hamburger and added the Ragu and had pasta cooking on the stove. She was hunting for a packed of spaghetti seasoning in the drawer. I told her we did have any. I should have told her that we didn't need any because the Ragu already has the seasoning in it, my father-in-law has been trying to get it through her head that it already does too, but she won't listen. So we set down to eat and it tastes funny so I ask her what she did to it and she shows me a packet of taco seasoning. We had a new creation, "Taco Spaghetti for dinner" I don't recomend it but my husband said it wasn't that bad. Maybe we should have put it in a taco shell.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture Frames

My Mother-in-Law has lived with us about 16 Months now and she has been working on putting pictures in frames and rearranging the pictures into different frames off and on the whole time. Every time I go down stairs and she is working on them she will say, “I am almost done.”  She has to tell me about each frame and what she is going to do with it. Then I will pick up a new frame or two for her when I see them on sale for a great price or at yard sales and bring them home to her and then she will start all over again.