Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Disappearing Meat

One night my husband comes home from work and his mother says, “You have no meat to cook”. My husband knows there is meat out in the garage in our freezer so he heads out there to look. He opens the freezer and she is right, there is no meat. As he closes the door of the freezer he notices a big stack of meat on the floor, stacked about 2 feet high with a roast teetering on the top. Luckily it was still frozen. She looked and him and yelled, "I didn't do it"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Disappearing Booze

My husband likes to drink a little Irish Cream occasionally.  He had purchased a new bottle and had it in the fridge. About a week later he went to get the bottle and it was gone. He asked everyone in the house if they had seen it, no one had. He purchased a new bottle and put it in the fridge again. The next night my daughter came home and her Grandmother was dishing up some ice cream for herself (she loves Ice cream)in a glass and added a lot of the Irish Cream and said, “yum an Irish Cream Float.” Now we hide the Irish Cream from her.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So my father-in-law has gone away for the weekend, so it is up to us to watch mom. I go to bed and leave my husband in charge, since it is his mother. He comes to bed a while later. I am wakened by noises in the kitchen. I wake up my husband and tell him that she is up. He says “dang it, I already put her back to bed three times.  A while later I hear her again, this time she is talking to herself. I see the back yard light go on, so I get up to see what she is doing. Her house cat that does not leave the house is running around the yard. I ask her how the cat got outside and she says that the woman she was talking to let it out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A little about my situation

OK, So my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and my Father-in-law has Macular Degeneration, Diabetes and Emphysema, needless to say they could not live alone anymore. So we moved them away from their home and into ours. They took up residency in our basement with their cat and large dog. Living with the pair has some pretty humorus moments that I thought I would share with the world.